Achatinelloides acutus (E. A. Smith, 1897) | Achatinelloides balfori (Godwin-Austen, 1881) | Achatinelloides cf. homhillensis (Smith, 1899) |
Achatinelloides dahaminensis Smith, 1899 | Achatinelloides densicostulatus E. A. Smith, 1903 | Achatinelloides hadibuensis (Godwin-Austen, 1881) |
Achatinelloides homhillensis (Smith, 1899) | Achatinelloides socotorensis laevior (E.A.Smith, 1899) | Achatinelloides socotorensis socotorensis (L. Peiffer, 1845) |
Achatinelloides sp. 138318 | Achatinelloides tigris (Godwin-Austen, 1881) | Achatinelloides zebrinus (Godwin-Austen, 1881) |
Passamaella compressa Neubert, 2005 | Passamaella euryomphala (E. A. Smith, 1903) | Passamaella passamaiana (Petit, 1853) |
Passamaella paucidentata Neubert, 2009 | Passamaella rotunda (Smith, 1897) | Soqena semicastanea (Godwin-Austen,1881) |
| | |
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in most cases
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