Lobatus raninus (Gmelin, 1791) | Lobatus raninus nanus (Bales, 1942) | Persististrombus aldrichi (Dall, 1890)† |
Strombus alatus Gmelin, 1791 | Strombus costatus Gmelin, 1791 | Strombus floridanus Mansfield,1930† |
Strombus gallus (L., 1758) | Strombus keatonorum brantleyi Petuch & Drolshagen 2011† | Strombus leidyi brachior Petuch, 1994† |
Strombus leidyi Heilprin, 1886† | Strombus pugilis Linnaeus, 1758 | Strombus pugilis Linneus, 1758 x alatus Gmelin, 1791 hybrid |
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except when only
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