items found: 15  Acanthochitona viridis (Pease, 1872) (ACANTHOCHITONIDAE) Hawaii 20mm up  Hawaii 17.7mm  Hawaii 19.5mm  Hawaii 20.2mm  Hawaii 39mm  Chiton viridis Spengler, 1797 (CHITONIDAE) Bahamas 37.8mm  Bahamas 30mm  Bahamas 40mm  Bahamas 26.5mm  Honduras 61mm  Honduras 32mm  Venezuela 13.8mm  Virgin Is. 31.1mm  Virgin Is. 31.5mm  Ischnochiton subviridis Iredale & May, 1916 (ISCHNOCHITONIDAE) Tasmania 15mm up
on search
- use * (asterisk)
as wild card,
it means 'anything'
after it is placed
on the sentence.
For example:
' formosissima
'. you can write
only formos*.
Every word starting
with these letters
will be found
formosense, formosus).
- avoid to do
generic search
as 'Conus *'.
The results will
be too many.
Use at least
the first letters
of the species
e.g.: ' Conus
min* ' |