items found: 12  Aulopoma grande (Pfeiffer, 1855) (CYCLOPHORIDAE) Sri Lanka 21.7mm  Sri Lanka 21mm  Sri Lanka 20.6mm  Sri Lanka 20mm  Sri Lanka 23.2mm  Sri Lanka 23.2mm  Sri Lanka 24.3mm  Sri Lanka 20.2mm  Sri Lanka 23.2mm  Sri Lanka 24.2mm  Sri Lanka 27mm  Sri Lanka 15.4mm
on search
- use * (asterisk)
as wild card,
it means 'anything'
after it is placed
on the sentence.
For example:
' formosissima
'. you can write
only formos*.
Every word starting
with these letters
will be found
formosense, formosus).
- avoid to do
generic search
as 'Conus *'.
The results will
be too many.
Use at least
the first letters
of the species
e.g.: ' Conus
min* ' |