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Ricardo Guerrini on 30/04/2007
Dear Marcus You have a very nice collection of old cameras,congratulations! Amazing the fact tha you found family pictures in one of them! I suggest you to try in the web to find this family,how?no idea but we can try something like "mistery family" do you know them?? would be very interesting!Probably they are imigrants in Brazil? Who knows,lets see.....

Old Cameras

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I have always enjoyed photography. The act of capturing special moments, beautiful light, places or objects is something that appeals to me and many others. Since childhood, I had cameras, ranging from 12mm back in the 70s, compact 35mm in the 80s and my first SLR in 1986 - a Yashica FX2 with extension tubes for macro photography. I took many shell pictures with it until I got a NIKON FM2 that I slowly stopped using after purchasing my first digital camera, a Nikon Coolpix 950.

On my honeymoon in 1998, I visited an antique shop in Santa Barbara, CA and bought two old cameras to decorate my office, a Polaroid 80A and a Agfa Optima both from the 50s. When I got divorced in 2003, I decided to change the decoration of my apartment, so I moved the cameras there and acquired quite a few others on ebay for display in a showcase. I carefully cleaned each camera and tried to repair them whenever possible (not an easy task...). I also searched the Internet to learn about their history and tested some of them with reasonably good results.

Due to space limitations, I slowed my purchases (a well known occurrence for many collectors) and now I just check ebay from time to time for new ones or occasionally receive one as a gift from friends.

English checking by John Wolff

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