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Shells of the Hawaiian Islands – The Land Shells
Land and Fresh Water Molluscs of Brazil

This is a fantastic book that fills an important gap in this area. Dr. Simone's extensive research took over 10 years to gather information and images from museums all over the world. Most of the pictures are of type specimens, so that you can compare your shells with the exact specimens used for the original description. Each species includes distribution, size, and bibliographic information. Thousands of bibliographic references are listed also.
This work will certainly help to put the right name on shells misidentified until now (even by us!), not only land shells but fresh water as well.

Several images of live animals are included - many provided by Femorale.

Prof. Dr. Luiz Ricardo L. Simone was born in São Paulo in 1961. He started collecting shells in the late 60s and graduated with a doctorate in medicine in 1985. But his passion for shells caused him to switch to biology where he obtained an additional doctorate degree in 1992. Since 2003, he is the curator of the malacology section of the Zoological Museum of São Paulo University. He is a great asset for collectors in Brazil because he still appreciates our hobby and accepts our input for the greater good of science.

Hard cover, 390 pages, full color, size 22 cm x 29 cm (8.6 x 11.4 inches)
Language: English
Price US$ 118.00 postage included


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