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2004 Philadelphia Shell Show

We were glad to be invited to participate in the Philadelphia Shell Show which was held at the Academy of Natural History on October 2 and 3, 2004. The weather was very pleasant; Philadelphia is a beautiful city with nice architecture and great restaurants. Jose and I were invited to stay at our good friend Rich Kirk's home along with Sue Hobbs. Rich has a very nice collection which you will be seeing in another article.
Several exhibitors showed their nice collections and some very special shells which received well-deserved prizes. These exhibits are prepared with care and are not made by their owners just for prize purposes, but to show collectors and the public how shells can be beautiful and important in several aspects. Exhibits bring the wonders of the shell world to everyone who appreciates beautiful mother nature.
Hundreds of people visited the show, many school buses were visiting the museum which is one of the finest in the US. On Saturday night we had the dinner at the Academy and special awards for exhibitors.
Next year (2005) the shell show will be very special: the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the shell club. We hope to be invited again!


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