Available shells
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1991 -
Jose and
Marcus |
Hotel Magawishi
Hurgharda |
our last day in
Egypt, where we
had been collecting
for one week - great
trip by the way
- we found out that
we wouldn't have
time to properly
clean all the stuff
that we'd collected
there. As we normally
do with small shells,
we put them in small
containers (like
Gatorade, for example)
in a solution of
30 to 40% alcohol.
A stronger solution
than that would
make the animal
too hard to clean
later. The larger
shells and the cowries
we try to clean
at the site if possible.
But in Egypt that
wasn't so easy:
the sink was too
small and there
was no water pressure
on the tap. Of course
we were very tired
after snorkelling
all day long, and
by the time we got
in the room we could
hear our beds calling
for us When we plan
a trip we always
say that we will
collect only small
and light shells.
But what can we
do when we see Lambis
truncata 18 inches
long, Tectus dentatus
measuring 8 inches
and other "small"
goodies like that?
We grabbed some
big shells as usual.
What happened then?
I can explain with
a formula: Large
Shell + large animal
+ no time to clean
+ no way to clean
+ long journey to
home + stop in many
hotels on the way
back + airplane(s)
+ customs = BIG
Continuing our trip,
we got some Tectus
dentatus with the
whole animal inside
and put that in
a plastic container
together with sand.
It worked perfectly
to stop the smell
(some people use
cat litter). But
when we were leaving
the airport in Germany,
we found out that
the X-ray couldn't
pass through the
container. And to
make it worse, we
had some stainless
steel wire to make
tools for cleaning
shells in the top
cover of our suit
case. In the x-ray
it looked like the
wire was coming
from the container:
the woman operating
the X-ray machine
started to sweat
and called security.
They took the suitcase
and my brother to
a safer place inside
the airport and
asked him to open
his suitcase. I
don't need to tell
you that both the
woman and the security
guard were very
concerned with that.
But after my brother
showed what we had
inside the container
they started to
laugh. I told him
to shout BOOM just
as he was opening
the luggage. Of
course he didn't
do it; otherwise
I could be writing
this text from some
prison in Germany....
on American
Vol. 24(4)
page 19
- These photos
were digitalized
from originals
(slides or
paper) so
the quality
is not as
high as the
photos you
are used to
see in our