- April
2004 by
Coltro |
- Dominican
Republic |
had always heard
of landshell collecting
in the Dominican
Republic and also
of some nice Conus
cardinalis coming
from there. So I
booked a trip with
our friend Alfredo
and took a flight
from São
Paulo to Panama
and from there to
Santo Domingo. We
arrived at night
and the next morning
rented a car and
drove up north.
The road to Santiago
is very good, three
lanes most of the
time. Before arriving
in Santiago we took
a smaller road to
see what kind of
vegetation we would
find on our trip.
To our chagrin,
the entire way was
built up which made
it very difficult
to stop and look
for shells. Besides,
the smaller roads
didn't have any
shoulder to park
our car - we did
it a few times but
it was a great risk
since people drove
quite close to the
road's edge.
We stayed in
a very nice all-inclusive
hotel, located
in Sosua near
Puerto Plata.
It was part of
our package air-hotel-car,
however we hardly
took advantage
of it since we
dived and collected
landshells all
day long (and
some days we
had to stay in
other hotels).
We soon found
out that the
sea is very rough
in the northern
part even though
it was pretty
smooth when we
got there. The
waves can reach
3-4 meters high
- a surfer's
paradise, shell
collector's nightmare...
Also, the rain
ruined any good
chance of diving.
I took two pictures
seen at the bottom
of this page,
the first one
on the day we
arrived and the
last one by the
end of our trip.
rained every
day, sometimes
so hard that
I couldn't see
the road. Luckily
we had landshells
to collect! Since
collecting in
Sosua became
impossible due
to the rough
sea and the kind
of bottom (dead
coral only, no
rocks) I drove
toward Samaná,
at the far eastern
end of the peninsula.
When we asked
in Sosua how
long it would
take to drive
there to Samaná
they told us
5½ hours;
I made it in
2½ hours,
so I am not sure
if my car was
better than theirs
or whether I
drove too fast!
is not a very
touristy place,
but they are
building a nice
hotel which will
probably improve
the city soon.
We snorkeled
there and found
some common shells
in shallow water.
Not many landshells
in this area,
but we were taking
the opportunity
to dive while
the water was
still good. It
was quite clear
and warm, however
on the very next
day it turned
very murky so
we drove back
to Sosua. We
stopped on the
way several times
to collect landshells
since it was
raining and we
found some nice
spots. I parked
the car on the
side of the road
and looked for
shells on huge
limestone walls.
Most of the cars
passing by honked
and people yelled
at us (lets say
I preferred to
turn off my Spanish
translator so
as not to yell
back and avoid
possible soda
cans flying at
my head...).
Glad that it
was me on this
trip and not
Jose: I ran into
spiderwebs all
the time and
some of them
burned our skin.
I took a picture
of a large specimen
of Eurycratera
and put it in
my bag. Alfredo
called me seconds
later and pointed
out what was
a few centimeters
below it: a giant
spider! It was
hiding inside
a hole so he
poked it so that
I could take
a picture. It
was so large
and heavy that
when it climbed
a tree it bent
a branch!
then went to
the western end,
Monte Cristi
which was about
the same distance
from Sosua as
The western part
of the country
is a bit dryer
and the vegetation
is very different.
My intention
was to find a
place to stay
since driving
was very tiring,
especially at
night. We found
a nice beach
to dive, but
very difficult
to reach. The
road was terrible,
full of holes
and after rain
it became pure
mud. The beach
was beautiful,
but no hotels,
no place to eat,
and as we found
later, no shells.
We wanted to
make a night
dive anyway,
so we stayed
until it was
dark. During
the day some
tourists were
on the beach,
and some booths
which appeared
to be full in
better days were
selling food.
But I was not
prepared to visit
a hospital in
case of food
poisoning, so
we did not eat
there. At night,
no living soul
was there, nor
any light. I
was afraid that
Alfredo and I
could get lost
so I told him
to go into the
water while I
stayed in the
car with the
lights on. I
didn't want to
simply leave
the lights on
and dive with
him since on
the previous
night I forgot
to turn off the
lights in the
parking lot and
the battery died.
I turned on the
car to charge
the battery from
time to time
to make sure
we would not
get stuck there
and have to sleep
in the car. So
there was me,
locked inside
the car, in a
very dark place
by myself. I
noticed some
mosquitoes had
entered the car
when I closed
the door. I was
getting really
annoyed with
their bites and
buzzing in my
ears. I turned
the inside light
on and found
a zillion of
them flying inside
the car. Let's
say they had
to wash the roof
liner after I
returned the
car... Although
I had the lights
on most of the
time, Alfredo
got lost and
luckily swam
in the right
direction back
to the beach
only one kilometer
away. To make
things worse
- no shells!
the way back,
cars drove all
the time with
their high beams
in my face and
there were thousands
of motorcycles
on the road.
Most of them
had no lights,
which made things
worse in the
heavy rain. There
were no markings
on the pavement
on most of the
road, and the
rain was so heavy
that I couldn't
even see the
car's hood. It
took three hours
to go back to
Sosua - a very
stressful trip,
Alfredo wanted
to step on the
brake all the
time, pushing
it hard with
his foot (the
only problem:
I was the driver
all the time!).
found nice species
of landshells,
and a few marine
too. And I have
one more adventure
to tell my grandchildren!
revision kindly
made by John