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Cuba Landshells Paradise

Celso Esteves Collection - Brazil

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Celso started collecting shells on a trip to Patagonia with his wife. They went to Isla Navarino in the Beagle Channel and took a walk on the beach, which was covered with shells.

They liked the experience so much that they brought some home, and kept collecting more during subsequent trips. Their friends, knowing of this new hobby, also started bringing shells from abroad to increase their collection. One of those friends found an edition of the Compendium of Seashells on a trip and gave it to Celso so that he could start identifying his material. By then, the shells were properly displayed in a showcase but without names on them.

Since he was getting more and more shells, he decided to exchange shells with other collectors, and in 2000 he joined Conquiliologistas do Brasil (Brazilian shell club).

Today he has about 2,500 different species in his collection, all marine, and nowadays concentrates his efforts to obtain new Brazilian species.

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